Photograph by Kitty Samuels
Gus Aronson is a photographer and filmmaker based out of Chinatown, NY. Embracing ambiguous narrative and vivid color as tools to push against ideas of the document, Gus rejects the notion that photographs are purely evidence of a time past. He explores how photographs can rather function as tarot cards: relics of the past and roadmaps for the future. He has been commissioned by Aperture, the New York Times, INTERVIEW, Cultured, New York Magazine, the Cut, Elle, and Aperture Magazine, and was part of the Aperture Summer Open 2020 “Information” show at Fotografiska, NY. His Films, and those that he’s shot, have premiered with No Budge and the Mill Valley Film Festival. He is also a founding member and the DP for an online film museum launching in 2024.